Potureckie ogrody Belgradu jako element tradycji własnej w serbskich dyskursach I połowy XX wieku

Sylwia Nowak-Bajcar

This article presents traces of the absence/presence of post-Turkish gardens and ways of their functionalization in discourses devoted to the Belgrade urban space of the first half of the twentieth century, when the modern image of the city was being shaped after many centuries of Turkish slavery. In the context of identifying the post-Turkish heritage with backwardness and primitivism, the role that the authors of the concept of healing the urban space of Belgrade assigned to the post-Turkish home gardens is particularly surprising. Those home gardens, which were included in the discourse of the native tradition, became the starting point for the World War II projects to adapt Ebenezer Howard’s concept of a garden city in Belgrade. This concept certainly had its aesthetic, social and economic potential, and the impossibility of its full implementation—caused by the outbreak of the First World War—meant that it did not lose its validity also in the interwar period.

DOI: 10.14746/por.2024.2.4
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