Unblotting/overwriting: Gestarium of Rafał Jakubowicz

Roszak, Joanna

The text provides and overview of Rafał Jakubowicz’s work on the Holocaust. The author presents the types of gestures in the works of the artists carried out in order to unblot the memory of the places and to show their complex identity (as in the case of e.g. the castle in Poznań or the synagogue-swimming pool). It also proposes a description of how the mechanisms of attribution and projection get activated in the receiver who post-remembers Shoa. In the article art is understood as a place to work through collective trauma – a place which reveals, makes it present, evokes the past, thus is aimed at compensating the memory.

ISSN 1733-165X
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Porownania 9 01 02 [pdf] [1.1 MB]