Operation of Alchemical Writing – about Michael Sendivogius’ Treaties

Sójka, Tomasz

Parabola seu aenigma philosophorum is one of the most representative texts of the alchemical literature. Its poetic form expresses scientific, philosophical and mystical essence. I present this text in the article together with the Polish translation and the commentary to the following fragments. The translation does not aspire to the artistic version, which would make renaissance and baroque alchemical literature closer to our contemporaries. It pertains to the source expression, but simultaneously sends to the exegesis. It is a commentary that takes the leading role in bringing closer the sense of the “mysteries” Parabola. The interpretation focuses mainly on grasping the intertextual connections, describing historical context and discussing the hermetic “interpretive community”. Parabola seu aenigma philosophorum translated become exposed also from the existential, hermeneutic and psychological point of views.

ISSN: 1733-165X

ISSN: 1733-165X
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