Polska komedia filmowa po 1989 roku wobec wielkich mitów i grzechów przeszłości

Talarczyk-Gubała, Monika

The Polish comedy in the 1990s and the first years of the new century reflected the mixed feelings with which the Poles welcomed the long-awaited freedom. In the times of systemic and cultural transformation, visit key tradition ? romanticism and the Polish film school ? became an indicator of the audience?s readiness for mental changes. As examples the author has chosen comedies-grotesques of makers with an acknowledged output, that stem from the cinema of moral anxiety ? Marek Koterski and Stanisław Tym. Marek Koterski through his character, Adam Miauczyński ? the Polish language teacher, showed the disappointment of the intelligence with the democratic government, its pauperisation and ahistorical attachment to the romantic paradigm.

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